Session #44


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
norsof | Patrio 15.62 1044.76
1.17 367 313 11 4 1 0
norsof |Messiah 13.02 1015.21
1.14 323 284 3 0 1 0
norsof | CptLaz 7.77 1025.89
1.39 449 322 4 5 1 0
4 norsof | link 0.76 815.91
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
5 norsof | mikael -1.44 977.46
0.68 268 394 0 3 0 0
6 Norsof|Assain -2.85 882.89
0.47 168 356 0 2 0 0
7 Rabbe -5.98 1028.17
1.28 416 324 3 1 2 0
8 Jinxen -6.1 952.55
0.81 304 374 0 1 0 0
9 norsof | laka -6.19 1032.42
1.18 399 337 7 5 3 0
10 norsof | fadiz -7 1031.18
1.28 449 351 5 2 1 0
11 Knut -14.85 963.5
0.79 324 412 7 4 0 0

Session details

Last game

Disco dance on the cross they need to lock down this bomb site make sure they cant get the bomb down.
norsof | Patrio