Session #114


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
norsof | laka 13.48 1043.98
1.04 278 267 17 8 10 1
norsof | Patrio 7.54 1071.7
1.38 299 217 14 3 5 2
Morten 1.85 1002.1
0.94 79 84 0 2 0 0
4 norsof | Pættår 1.09 1052.4
1.25 295 236 13 4 5 2
5 norsof | mikael 0.7 966.02
0.74 216 292 3 4 1 1
6 k-nut -0.12 1002.1
0.92 252 275 5 2 2 0
7 norsof | rabbe -25.81 1002.41
0.75 142 190 3 2 0 0

Session details

Last game

dont eat and play, that is gay
norsof | Patrio