Session #87


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
norsof |Messiah 10 1037.36
1.2 203 169 3 2 2 2
norsof | laka 8.84 1053.16
1.07 214 200 7 2 3 3
norsof | mikael 3.19 984.7
0.67 150 224 6 4 3 0
4 norsof | fadiz -3.16 1060.15
1.26 231 184 3 1 0 0
5 norsof | Patrio -6.1 1065.94
1.09 200 184 5 5 1 2
6 norsof | Rabbe -11.44 1008.97
0.83 182 219 2 1 0 1

Session details

Last game

Disco dance on the cross they need to lock down this bomb site make sure they cant get the bomb down.
norsof | Patrio