Session #69


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
norsof | Patrio 4.62 1077.73
1.67 70 42 5 0 3 0
norsof | mikael 2.1 987.38
0.7 42 60 2 1 1 0
norsof | laka 1.78 1025.21
1.14 89 78 3 2 1 0
4 Knut -0.23 987.43
0.63 47 75 3 1 3 1
5 norsof | fadiz -6.89 1049.76
1.09 85 78 0 1 0 0

Session details

Last game

dont eat and play, that is gay
norsof | Patrio