Session #228


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
Patrio 22.7 1037.32
1.52 291 192 14 3 3 4
mulla 14.27 989.89
1.06 312 294 9 4 4 2
mikaanes 4.26 890.66
0.53 165 310 3 6 1 1
4 Rabbe -10.9 992.65
1.07 288 268 4 9 1 4
5 laka -12.21 976.55
0.85 271 317 6 3 1 0
6 fadiz -15.2 1029.45
1.19 340 286 6 4 2 4

Session details

Last game

dont eat and play, that is gay
norsof | Patrio