Session #218


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
Mulla 7.76 976.84
1.03 192 187 9 2 5 1
laka 5.05 998.31
0.96 215 223 10 3 6 0
fadiz -0.09 1031.91
1.33 246 185 6 3 3 0
4 Patrio -0.31 1009.13
1.08 193 178 8 4 6 0
5 [Norsofs]mikaanes -5.94 904.32
0.49 107 217 1 2 0 1
6 Rabbe -8.33 1005.5
1.21 213 176 2 1 0 0

Session details

Last game

Then you have to kick your member and add the mixer
norsof | Patrio