Session #202


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
Patrio 13.22 1027.24
1.55 186 120 7 2 3 1
laka 8.79 995.93
0.96 166 173 8 3 3 1
[Norsofs]mikaanes 4.74 907.08
0.58 104 180 0 5 0 0
4 fadiz -3.85 1059.85
1.38 204 148 5 3 4 2
5 HeroLink04 -13.56 988.81
0.91 160 175 6 0 1 0
6 Mulla -13.61 974.07
0.86 146 170 1 2 0 0

Session details

Last game

Disco dance on the cross they need to lock down this bomb site make sure they cant get the bomb down.
norsof | Patrio