Session #199


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
Rabbe 21.76 1016.61
1.18 350 296 7 4 4 3
Patrio 14.94 1034.94
1.44 341 236 10 4 5 3
Mulla 13.38 984.85
0.96 319 332 12 3 4 1
4 laka 4.97 995.67
0.99 344 348 8 7 4 0
5 fadiz -12.69 1025.7
1.14 367 323 12 9 2 2
6 [Norsofs]mikaanes -46.84 905.65
0.5 184 370 2 4 0 0

Session details

Last game

you have no idea how funny we find it that you think we're cheating
norsof | Patrio