Session #191


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
laka 21.17 999.83
1.08 172 160 12 1 3 1
Mulla 17.5 984.48
1.01 142 141 2 2 1 2
Rabbe 2.94 1028.28
1.39 171 123 3 2 1 0
4 Patrio 1.71 1024.64
1.19 155 130 4 4 0 2
5 norsof | mikael -16.22 932.62
0.61 115 189 1 5 0 0
6 fadiz -27.58 1016.34
0.93 154 166 1 3 0 1

Session details

Last game

we have a reallife and are not in house tonight
norsof | Patrio