Session #142


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
HeroLink04 48.74 884.97
0.66 140 213 5 1 1 0
norsof | laka 14.92 1061.34
1.48 261 176 12 3 4 0
Patrio 3.04 1031.03
1.31 215 164 8 6 2 2
4 norsof | mikael -9.19 985.89
0.76 167 221 3 6 2 0
5 norsof | k-nut -15.49 968.91
0.73 183 252 5 3 2 0
6 norsof | pættår -38.96 1055.92
1.35 231 171 1 3 1 1

Session details

Last game

too easy to be honest :)
norsof | Patrio