Session #132


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
Tresko 12.9 907.29
0.53 54 101 3 1 1 0
norsof | fadiz 4.03 1057.45
1.38 284 206 10 6 5 1
norsof | mikael 2.56 969.42
0.69 185 270 5 5 2 1
4 norsof | Patrio 1.57 1053.17
1.19 216 182 13 7 2 3
5 norsof | laka 1.11 1025.3
1.01 252 250 13 5 6 1
6 Messiah -2.75 1032.24
1.05 143 136 3 3 0 1
7 norsof | rabbe -12.02 1032.9
1.05 231 220 4 6 2 0

Session details

Last game

I guess we have to find a new opponent
norsof | Patrio