Session #127


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
norsof | Patrio 17.6 1059.51
1.36 118 87 8 6 3 0
norsof | rabbe 10.4 1052.29
1.27 140 110 3 2 3 2
norsof | laka 3.64 1015.71
1.02 133 131 5 2 2 0
4 norsof | fadiz 2.76 1072.88
1.39 136 98 5 1 2 0
5 norsof | mikael -13.32 963.87
0.6 82 137 3 2 0 0
6 k-nut -20.73 998.92
0.71 110 156 2 2 1 0

Session details

Last game

and I have this ping
norsof | Patrio