Session #1


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
Messiah 28.11 944.15
0.82 225 274 5 1 0 0
norsof | Patrio 1.51 1049.38
1.15 314 274 23 6 0 0
norsof | laka -4.52 1053.66
1.2 441 369 25 8 0 0
4 norsof | mulla -5.43 1002.4
0.74 279 378 17 15 0 0
5 norsof | fadiz -6.26 1040.3
1.09 439 403 16 12 0 0

Session details

Last game

and I have this ping
norsof | Patrio