Game #968

Team #223


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | laka 52 61 2 0 0 -13.95
norsof |Messiah 52 47 0 0 0 -1.52
norsof | CptLaz 41 69 0 0 0 -34.12
Knut 37 58 2 0 1 -3.93
182 235 4 0 1 -53.52

Team #112


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
Rabbe 92 54 1 1 1 27.28
norsof | fadiz 76 59 1 1 1 6.61
norsof | mikael 44 66 0 0 0 -6.01
norsof | Patrio 47 27 1 1 1 18.33
259 206 3 3 3 46.22

Map details

u can go we have no probs with it
norsof | Patrio