Game #1826

Team #61


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
Rabbe 79 74 1 2 0 -5.01
laka 74 82 2 0 1 -4.4
Mulla 71 83 1 1 0 -1.49
224 239 4 3 1 -10.89

Team #124


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
[Norsofs]mikaanes 58 79 1 1 0 10.04
Patrio 72 63 1 1 1 -0.58
fadiz 103 76 2 1 0 2.04
233 218 4 3 1 11.5

Map details

and if i miss the space betweeen
norsof | Patrio