Game #1639

Team #129


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
laka 49 44 0 1 0 4.27
HeroLink04 34 54 1 0 1 2.49
norsof | mikael 28 58 0 0 0 -1.07
111 156 1 1 1 5.69

Team #62


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
[Druz] Rabbe 49 30 0 0 0 -0.9
Patrio 43 44 1 0 0 -6.64
fadiz 67 40 3 0 3 1.69
159 114 4 0 3 -5.85

Map details

what the fuck? you showing up with 4 players, that's fucked
norsof | Patrio