Game #1018

Team #57


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | Patrio 66 45 2 0 1 5.42
Knut 59 65 3 2 1 5.65
norsof | fadiz 80 53 4 1 1 10.45
205 163 9 3 3 21.52

Team #181


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | laka 75 76 1 0 0 -11.5
norsof | mikael 45 65 1 1 0 -6.48
norsof |Messiah 40 61 1 5 0 -2.03
160 202 3 6 0 -20.01

Map details

cause u dont rly seem to be flaming, nice to play some mature lads once in a while :)
norsof | Patrio