Session #52


Rank Player Points +/- New Elo Elo development K/D Kills Deaths PL DE EX SD
norsof |Messiah 14.27 1003.43
1.04 190 182 3 0 2 0
Knut 7.89 1010.72
0.82 184 225 6 5 4 0
norsof | mikael 3.34 975.78
0.72 171 238 5 2 3 0
4 norsof | laka 1.39 1045.54
1.31 318 242 6 3 2 0
5 norsof | CptLaz -0.9 1011.02
1.07 278 261 5 2 2 0
6 norsof | rabbe -5.09 994.24
0.88 231 264 2 1 1 0
7 norsof | Patrio -12.25 1037.18
1.19 246 206 5 1 3 0

Session details

Last game

okay, oaky, enough of the complaints
norsof | Patrio