
Total points Points +/- K/D Kills Deaths Suicides Games Plants Defuses Explosions Sudden death Distance
936.9 5.43 0.62 196 314 1 16 1 3 0 0 21.48 km

Easiest preys

Player Kills Deaths Ratio % of total
Norsof|Assain 77 39 1.974 39.29%
norsof | mikael 150 183 0.82 76.53%
norsof | mulla 100 126 0.794 51.02%
norsof | fadiz 79 132 0.598 40.31%
norsof | laka 84 141 0.596 42.86%

Worst enemies

Player Kills Deaths Ratio % of total
norsof | Patrio 59 104 0.567 30.1%
norsof | laka 84 141 0.596 42.86%
norsof | fadiz 79 132 0.598 40.31%
norsof | mulla 100 126 0.794 51.02%
norsof | mikael 150 183 0.82 76.53%

Profile details

Hit diagram