Elolog for game #975

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
984.71 -1.8534 -0.023 1.4487 984.2795

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 2 norsof | mikael 0.3202 norsof | fadiz -0.3022
2 2 norsof | Patrio 0.2772 norsof | mikael -0.2436
3 2 Knut 0.2762 norsof | mikael -0.2685
4 2 Knut 0.2755 norsof | mikael -0.2681
5 2 norsof | mikael 0.3134 norsof | Patrio -0.356
6 2 norsof | mikael 0.2873 Knut -0.295
7 2 Knut 0.2749 norsof | mikael -0.2677
8 2 norsof | mikael 0.3178 norsof | fadiz -0.3
9 2 norsof | fadiz 0.2231 norsof | mikael -0.2364
10 2 norsof | mikael 0.317 norsof | fadiz -0.299
11 2 norsof | mikael 0.3113 norsof | Patrio -0.3533
12 2 norsof | fadiz 0.2222 norsof | mikael -0.236
13 2 norsof | Patrio 0.2736 norsof | mikael -0.2411
14 2 norsof | Patrio 0.2723 norsof | mikael -0.2403
15 2 norsof | mikael 0.2851 Knut -0.2927
16 2 norsof | mikael 0.3158 norsof | fadiz -0.2969
17 2 norsof | mikael 0.2839 Knut -0.2917
18 2 norsof | Patrio 0.2714 norsof | mikael -0.2396
19 2 norsof | mikael 0.3096 norsof | Patrio -0.3501
20 2 norsof | fadiz 0.2205 norsof | mikael -0.2345
21 2 norsof | Patrio 0.2709 norsof | mikael -0.2394
22 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2199 norsof | mikael -0.2338
23 3 Knut 0.2731 norsof | mikael -0.2652
24 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2189 norsof | mikael -0.2329
25 3 norsof | Patrio 0.2687 norsof | mikael -0.2378
26 3 norsof | mikael 0.3096 norsof | Patrio -0.3489
27 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2186 norsof | mikael -0.2329
28 3 norsof | mikael 0.3129 norsof | fadiz -0.2932
29 3 norsof | Patrio 0.2665 norsof | mikael -0.2365
30 3 norsof | Patrio 0.2649 norsof | mikael -0.2355
31 3 Knut 0.2696 norsof | mikael -0.2633
32 3 norsof | mikael 0.2811 Knut -0.2871
33 3 norsof | mikael 0.3109 norsof | fadiz -0.2912
34 3 norsof | mikael 0.3102 norsof | fadiz -0.2902
35 3 norsof | mikael 0.3095 norsof | fadiz -0.2895
36 3 Knut 0.2681 norsof | mikael -0.2628
37 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2173 norsof | mikael -0.2324
38 3 Knut 0.2669 norsof | mikael -0.2617
39 3 norsof | mikael 0.3069 norsof | Patrio -0.3455
40 3 Knut 0.266 norsof | mikael -0.2612
41 3 norsof | Patrio 0.2631 norsof | mikael -0.2337
42 3 norsof | mikael 0.3082 norsof | fadiz -0.2882
43 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2165 norsof | mikael -0.2316
44 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2161 norsof | mikael -0.231
45 3 norsof | mikael 0.3055 norsof | Patrio -0.3433
46 3 norsof | Patrio 0.2619 norsof | mikael -0.2331
47 3 norsof | fadiz 0.2154 norsof | mikael -0.2307
48 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2606 norsof | mikael -0.2321
49 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2599 norsof | mikael -0.2316
50 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2594 norsof | mikael -0.2313
51 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2588 norsof | mikael -0.2312
52 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2582 norsof | mikael -0.2309
53 4 norsof | mikael 0.3048 norsof | Patrio -0.34
54 4 norsof | mikael 0.2775 Knut -0.2815
55 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2572 norsof | mikael -0.2305
56 4 norsof | mikael 0.2773 Knut -0.281
57 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2564 norsof | mikael -0.23
58 4 Knut 0.2601 norsof | mikael -0.2568
59 4 norsof | mikael 0.3059 norsof | fadiz -0.2854
60 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2549 norsof | mikael -0.2289
61 4 norsof | Patrio 0.2538 norsof | mikael -0.2283
62 4 norsof | mikael 0.3035 norsof | Patrio -0.3374
63 4 norsof | mikael 0.303 norsof | Patrio -0.3365
64 4 norsof | fadiz 0.2112 norsof | mikael -0.2267
65 7 Knut 0.2573 norsof | mikael -0.2551
66 7 norsof | fadiz 0.2096 norsof | mikael -0.2254
67 7 norsof | Patrio 0.252 norsof | mikael -0.2274
68 7 norsof | mikael 0.305 norsof | fadiz -0.2833
69 7 norsof | Patrio 0.2508 norsof | mikael -0.2265
70 8 Knut 0.2548 norsof | mikael -0.2532
71 8 norsof | mikael 0.2752 Knut -0.2766
72 8 norsof | Patrio 0.249 norsof | mikael -0.2258
73 8 norsof | mikael 0.3019 norsof | Patrio -0.3327
74 8 norsof | fadiz 0.2085 norsof | mikael -0.2243
75 8 norsof | mikael 0.302 norsof | fadiz -0.2802
76 8 Knut 0.2523 norsof | mikael -0.2515
77 8 norsof | Patrio 0.2478 norsof | mikael -0.2246
78 8 Knut 0.2512 norsof | mikael -0.2507
79 8 norsof | mikael 0.2747 Knut -0.275
80 8 norsof | mikael 0.2743 Knut -0.2744
81 8 norsof | mikael 0.2737 Knut -0.2737
82 8 norsof | mikael 0.2991 norsof | Patrio -0.3289
83 8 norsof | fadiz 0.2076 norsof | mikael -0.2242
84 9 Knut 0.2508 norsof | mikael -0.2513
85 9 Knut 0.2502 norsof | mikael -0.2513
86 9 norsof | mikael 0.2985 norsof | fadiz -0.276
87 9 Knut 0.2499 norsof | mikael -0.2509
88 9 norsof | mikael 0.2979 norsof | Patrio -0.3264
89 9 norsof | mikael 0.2974 norsof | fadiz -0.275
90 9 norsof | mikael 0.2968 norsof | Patrio -0.3248
91 9 norsof | mikael 0.2689 Knut -0.2678
92 9 norsof | fadiz 0.2073 norsof | mikael -0.2241
93 9 Knut 0.25 norsof | mikael -0.2511


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 axis norsof | Patrio -0.2083 Knut 0.0521
2 axis norsof | Patrio -0.2066 Knut 0.0516
3 allies norsof | mikael -0.2537 norsof | laka 0.0846
4 axis Knut -0.2538 norsof | Patrio 0.0635
5 axis Knut -0.254 norsof | fadiz 0.0635

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
5844 norsof | laka allies plant 0.2147
5845 Knut axis defuse -0.4653
5846 norsof | mikael allies plant 0.6446
5847 Knut axis defuse -0.4656
5848 norsof | Patrio axis plant -0.4649
5849 Rabbe allies defuse 0.215
5850 norsof |Messiah allies plant 0.2149
5851 norsof |Messiah allies explode 0.3222
5852 norsof | laka allies plant 0.2146
5853 Knut axis defuse -0.4657
5854 Rabbe allies plant 0.2148
5855 norsof | fadiz axis defuse -0.4653
5856 norsof | mikael allies plant 0.6447
5857 norsof | mikael allies explode 0.7509
5858 norsof | fadiz axis plant -0.4667
5859 norsof | fadiz axis explode -0.6213
5860 norsof | laka allies plant 0.2147
5861 Knut axis defuse -0.4654
5862 norsof | mikael allies plant 0.6446
5863 norsof | mikael allies explode 0.7508
5864 norsof | laka allies plant 0.2141
5865 norsof | fadiz axis defuse -0.4671
5866 norsof | laka allies plant 0.2142
5867 norsof | laka allies explode 0.3212

Last game

we wanted u to say that
norsof | Patrio