Game #970

Team #224


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | laka 169 128 4 3 0 -16.07
norsof |Messiah 141 91 2 1 0 -2.76
norsof | CptLaz 168 107 5 1 0 -1.63
Jinxen 115 112 0 2 0 -57.48
Knut 142 133 1 1 0 -18.33
735 571 12 8 0 -96.28

Team #225


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | fadiz 138 115 2 4 0 7.18
Rabbe 140 119 2 1 0 2.41
norsof | mikael 116 133 2 5 0 14.82
norsof | Patrio 125 103 0 2 0 6.71
norsof | link 60 273 3 0 2 29.44
579 743 9 12 2 60.56

Map details

you have no idea how funny we find it that you think we're cheating
norsof | Patrio