Game #887

Team #189


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | laka 71 78 1 0 0 -9.34
norsof | Patrio 82 69 3 3 0 -1.59
norsof |Messiah 57 63 1 0 0 -0.51
210 210 5 3 0 -11.45

Team #80


Player Kills Deaths PL DE EX Points +/-
norsof | mulla 54 73 0 2 0 0.08
norsof | rabbe 63 64 2 1 0 5.01
norsof | fadiz 88 68 2 2 0 7.15
205 205 4 5 0 12.23

Map details

u can go we have no probs with it
norsof | Patrio