Game #1787


    • 00:01:01 fadiz fadiz planted the bomb
    • 00:01:46 fadiz fadiz detonated the bomb
    • 00:01:47 1-0
    • 00:03:19 fadiz fadiz planted the bomb
    • 00:03:41 Patrio Patrio defends the bomb
    • 00:03:42 laka laka dies trying to defuse the bomb
    • 00:04:04 fadiz fadiz detonated the bomb
    • 00:04:05 2-0
    • 00:04:06 Switching sides
    • 00:07:04 fadiz fadiz planted the bomb
    • 00:07:42 Patrio Patrio defends the bomb
    • 00:07:44 laka laka dies trying to defuse the bomb
    • 00:07:49 fadiz fadiz detonated the bomb
    • 00:07:50 3-0
    • 00:10:13 fadiz fadiz planted the bomb
    • 00:10:58 fadiz fadiz detonated the bomb
    • 00:10:59 4-0

Map details

we waited for your tactial timeout too
norsof | Patrio