Game #1747


    • 00:02:24 Rabbe Rabbe planted the bomb
    • 00:03:09 Rabbe Rabbe detonated the bomb
    • 00:03:10 1-0
    • 00:07:55 Patrio Patrio planted the bomb
    • 00:08:36 Patrio Patrio defends the bomb
    • 00:08:37 laka laka dies trying to defuse the bomb
    • 00:08:40 Patrio Patrio detonated the bomb
    • 00:08:41 2-0
    • 00:08:42 Switching sides
    • 00:11:45 laka laka defends the bomb spot
    • 00:11:46 Rabbe Rabbe dies trying to plant the bomb
    • 00:13:33 HeroLink04 HeroLink04 detonated the bomb
    • 00:13:34 3-0
    • 00:15:03 fadiz fadiz defends the bomb spot
    • 00:15:04 HeroLink04 HeroLink04 dies trying to plant the bomb
    • 00:15:31 Patrio Patrio planted the bomb
    • 00:16:07 Patrio Patrio is camping
    • 00:16:16 Patrio Patrio detonated the bomb
    • 00:16:17 4-0

Map details

can we plz play on this server:P we have a ranking system for the clan on it:P
norsof | Patrio