Elolog for game #1556

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
974.06 1.405 0 -0.6764 974.9209

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 1 norsof | pættår 0.2597 HeroLink04 -0.3385
2 1 norsof | laka 0.2643 HeroLink04 -0.3299
3 2 HeroLink04 0.5139 norsof | pættår -0.3945
4 2 norsof | pættår 0.2588 HeroLink04 -0.337
5 2 HeroLink04 0.5122 norsof | pættår -0.3927
6 2 HeroLink04 0.5198 norsof | laka -0.4158
7 2 HeroLink04 0.5088 norsof | pættår -0.3904
8 2 norsof | laka 0.2624 HeroLink04 -0.3284
9 2 HeroLink04 0.5078 norsof | pættår -0.3891
10 2 norsof | pættår 0.2582 HeroLink04 -0.3374
11 2 HeroLink04 0.5137 norsof | laka -0.4101


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 allies mulla -0.2208 norsof | mikael 0.1104

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
81510 norsof | laka axis plant -0.8328
81511 norsof | laka axis explode -1.0802
81516 norsof | laka axis plant -0.8284
81519 norsof | mikael allies defuse 0.3406
81527 norsof | mikael allies plant 0.3404
81530 norsof | laka axis defuse -0.8281
81540 HeroLink04 allies plant 1.022
81541 HeroLink04 allies explode 1.1901

Last game

u should rent a movie, ur lagging so hard u will probably be able to finnish it b4 u moved forward!
norsof | Patrio