Elolog for game #1370

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
1038.29 4.6226 -0.517 0.3363 1042.7341

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 46 k-nut 0.4809 m-Agnus -0.4067
2 46 m-Agnus 0.2979 k-nut -0.3517
3 46 m-Agnus 0.374 norsof | Pættår -0.3149
4 46 k-nut 0.4787 m-Agnus -0.4056
5 46 m-Agnus 0.3708 norsof | Patrio -0.3423
6 46 m-Agnus 0.2962 k-nut -0.3495
7 46 norsof | Patrio 0.3061 m-Agnus -0.3312
8 46 m-Agnus 0.3693 norsof | Patrio -0.3413
9 46 k-nut 0.4766 m-Agnus -0.4036
10 46 k-nut 0.475 m-Agnus -0.4024
11 46 norsof | Patrio 0.3038 m-Agnus -0.3286
12 47 m-Agnus 0.2975 k-nut -0.3503
13 47 m-Agnus 0.3682 norsof | Patrio -0.3395
14 47 norsof | Pættår 0.2758 m-Agnus -0.3264
15 47 k-nut 0.4692 m-Agnus -0.3983
16 47 m-Agnus 0.3695 norsof | Pættår -0.3123
17 47 m-Agnus 0.2963 k-nut -0.3486
18 47 m-Agnus 0.3657 norsof | Patrio -0.3379
19 47 norsof | Pættår 0.2753 m-Agnus -0.3253
20 47 m-Agnus 0.3672 norsof | Pættår -0.3108
21 47 k-nut 0.466 m-Agnus -0.396
22 47 m-Agnus 0.2951 k-nut -0.3472
23 47 m-Agnus 0.3656 norsof | Pættår -0.3101
24 47 m-Agnus 0.2935 k-nut -0.3457
25 47 norsof | Patrio 0.3015 m-Agnus -0.326
26 47 norsof | Pættår 0.2745 m-Agnus -0.3232
27 47 norsof | Patrio 0.2999 m-Agnus -0.3243
28 47 norsof | Pættår 0.2737 m-Agnus -0.3221
29 47 m-Agnus 0.364 norsof | Pættår -0.3094
30 47 k-nut 0.4627 m-Agnus -0.3919
31 47 m-Agnus 0.3633 norsof | Pættår -0.3088
32 47 norsof | Patrio 0.2991 m-Agnus -0.3224
33 47 m-Agnus 0.2918 k-nut -0.3443
34 47 m-Agnus 0.291 k-nut -0.3433
35 47 m-Agnus 0.3618 norsof | Pættår -0.3077
36 47 norsof | Patrio 0.2991 m-Agnus -0.3217
37 47 m-Agnus 0.2891 k-nut -0.3412
38 47 m-Agnus 0.36 norsof | Pættår -0.3064
39 47 k-nut 0.4619 m-Agnus -0.3909
40 47 norsof | Pættår 0.2713 m-Agnus -0.3187
41 47 m-Agnus 0.2874 k-nut -0.339
42 47 norsof | Patrio 0.2965 m-Agnus -0.3188
43 47 norsof | Patrio 0.2957 m-Agnus -0.3179
44 47 k-nut 0.4592 m-Agnus -0.389
45 47 norsof | Patrio 0.294 m-Agnus -0.316
46 50 norsof | Pættår 0.268 m-Agnus -0.3143
47 50 k-nut 0.453 m-Agnus -0.3852
48 50 m-Agnus 0.3584 norsof | Patrio -0.3326
49 50 norsof | Pættår 0.2674 m-Agnus -0.3134
50 50 m-Agnus 0.3573 norsof | Patrio -0.332
51 50 m-Agnus 0.3563 norsof | Patrio -0.3311
52 50 m-Agnus 0.3569 norsof | Pættår -0.3047
53 50 k-nut 0.4487 m-Agnus -0.382
54 50 m-Agnus 0.3547 norsof | Patrio -0.3302
55 50 norsof | Pættår 0.2674 m-Agnus -0.3128
56 50 norsof | Pættår 0.2662 m-Agnus -0.3117
57 50 m-Agnus 0.2879 k-nut -0.3379
58 50 k-nut 0.4451 m-Agnus -0.3797
59 50 m-Agnus 0.3554 norsof | Pættår -0.3037
60 50 m-Agnus 0.2869 k-nut -0.3363
61 50 k-nut 0.4424 m-Agnus -0.3779
62 50 m-Agnus 0.3518 norsof | Patrio -0.3283
63 50 m-Agnus 0.3532 norsof | Pættår -0.3022
64 51 m-Agnus 0.2848 k-nut -0.3328
65 51 m-Agnus 0.3508 norsof | Pættår -0.2998
66 51 k-nut 0.4419 m-Agnus -0.3778
67 51 m-Agnus 0.3501 norsof | Pættår -0.2993
68 51 k-nut 0.4391 m-Agnus -0.376
69 51 m-Agnus 0.3483 norsof | Patrio -0.3256
70 51 norsof | Pættår 0.2651 m-Agnus -0.3099
71 51 m-Agnus 0.3489 norsof | Pættår -0.2982
72 51 m-Agnus 0.3472 norsof | Patrio -0.3246
73 51 k-nut 0.4383 m-Agnus -0.3748
74 51 norsof | Pættår 0.2647 m-Agnus -0.3091
75 51 norsof | Pættår 0.2632 m-Agnus -0.3078
76 51 m-Agnus 0.2827 k-nut -0.3298
77 51 m-Agnus 0.2823 k-nut -0.3289
78 51 norsof | Pættår 0.2628 m-Agnus -0.3074
79 51 norsof | Pættår 0.2617 m-Agnus -0.3063
80 51 m-Agnus 0.2822 k-nut -0.3286
81 51 norsof | Pættår 0.2613 m-Agnus -0.3058
82 51 k-nut 0.4296 m-Agnus -0.3694
83 51 m-Agnus 0.3463 norsof | Pættår -0.296
84 51 k-nut 0.4285 m-Agnus -0.3686
85 51 m-Agnus 0.3456 norsof | Pættår -0.2955
86 51 m-Agnus 0.3447 norsof | Pættår -0.2947
87 51 m-Agnus 0.2807 k-nut -0.3265
88 51 norsof | Patrio 0.2876 m-Agnus -0.3063
89 51 m-Agnus 0.2799 k-nut -0.3252
90 51 m-Agnus 0.3416 norsof | Patrio -0.3208
91 51 m-Agnus 0.3418 norsof | Pættår -0.2925
92 51 m-Agnus 0.3403 norsof | Patrio -0.3196
93 51 m-Agnus 0.2777 k-nut -0.3224
94 51 m-Agnus 0.339 norsof | Patrio -0.3185
95 51 m-Agnus 0.2764 k-nut -0.3211
96 51 norsof | Patrio 0.2875 m-Agnus -0.3057
97 51 k-nut 0.4267 m-Agnus -0.3669
98 51 m-Agnus 0.3381 norsof | Patrio -0.3172
99 51 k-nut 0.4258 m-Agnus -0.3658
100 52 m-Agnus 0.3376 norsof | Pættår -0.2906
101 52 m-Agnus 0.2757 k-nut -0.3208
102 52 m-Agnus 0.3362 norsof | Pættår -0.2897
103 52 norsof | Patrio 0.2851 m-Agnus -0.3036
104 52 norsof | Pættår 0.2616 m-Agnus -0.3033
105 52 m-Agnus 0.3353 norsof | Pættår -0.2889
106 52 m-Agnus 0.2736 k-nut -0.3184
107 52 m-Agnus 0.3339 norsof | Pættår -0.2879
108 52 norsof | Patrio 0.2837 m-Agnus -0.3022
109 52 m-Agnus 0.2723 k-nut -0.3168
110 52 m-Agnus 0.3325 norsof | Pættår -0.2872
111 52 m-Agnus 0.271 k-nut -0.3155
112 52 k-nut 0.4233 m-Agnus -0.3636
113 52 m-Agnus 0.3329 norsof | Patrio -0.3121
114 52 norsof | Pættår 0.2619 m-Agnus -0.3023
115 52 m-Agnus 0.3311 norsof | Pættår -0.2865
116 52 m-Agnus 0.3312 norsof | Patrio -0.3106
117 52 k-nut 0.4226 m-Agnus -0.3626
118 52 m-Agnus 0.3304 norsof | Patrio -0.3101
119 52 m-Agnus 0.3297 norsof | Patrio -0.3093
120 52 m-Agnus 0.2665 k-nut -0.3099
121 52 m-Agnus 0.3285 norsof | Patrio -0.3082


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 axis m-Agnus -0.2228 norsof | laka 0.0743
2 allies k-nut -0.2763 norsof | Patrio 0.0921
3 axis norsof | mikael -0.2734 m-Agnus 0.0911
4 axis norsof | laka -0.1929 norsof | mikael 0.0643
5 axis norsof | mikael -0.2737 m-Agnus 0.0912
6 axis norsof | mikael -0.2652 norsof | laka 0.0884
7 allies norsof | Pættår -0.1859 k-nut 0.062
8 axis m-Agnus -0.2183 norsof | laka 0.0728
9 axis m-Agnus -0.23 m-Agnus 0.0767

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
53523 k-nut allies plant -0.5356
53526 k-nut allies explode -0.6952
53533 m-Agnus axis plant 0.9238
53538 k-nut allies defuse -0.5351
53550 m-Agnus axis plant 0.9228
53553 norsof | Pættår allies defuse -0.5357
53561 m-Agnus axis plant 0.9217
53564 norsof | Pættår allies defuse -0.5363
53588 norsof | Pættår allies plant -0.5355
53589 norsof | Pættår allies explode -0.6951
53616 norsof | laka axis plant 0.308
53617 norsof | laka axis explode 0.4616
53652 k-nut allies plant -0.5348
53655 m-Agnus axis defuse 0.9234
53665 norsof | Patrio allies plant -0.5354
53668 norsof | mikael axis defuse 0.3074
53692 norsof | Pættår allies plant -0.535
53693 k-nut allies sd_win -0.5342
53707 norsof | laka axis plant 0.3081
53710 norsof | Pættår allies defuse -0.5339
53720 m-Agnus axis plant 0.925
53725 m-Agnus axis explode 1.0763

Last game

Disco dance on the cross they need to lock down this bomb site make sure they cant get the bomb down.
norsof | Patrio