Elolog for game #1369

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
975.99 -4.1976 -0.3786 0.5148 971.9326

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 37 norsof | Patrio 0.2787 norsof | mikael -0.2851
2 37 norsof | Patrio 0.2779 norsof | mikael -0.2845
3 37 norsof | mikael 0.4243 m-Agnus -0.4566
4 37 m-Agnus 0.3311 norsof | mikael -0.3078
5 37 k-nut 0.4644 norsof | mikael -0.36
6 37 norsof | mikael 0.4228 m-Agnus -0.4548
7 37 norsof | Patrio 0.2754 norsof | mikael -0.282
8 37 norsof | mikael 0.4209 m-Agnus -0.4527
9 37 norsof | mikael 0.4196 m-Agnus -0.4512
10 37 k-nut 0.4624 norsof | mikael -0.3585
11 37 norsof | mikael 0.4444 norsof | Patrio -0.4341
12 38 m-Agnus 0.3306 norsof | mikael -0.3075
13 38 m-Agnus 0.3295 norsof | mikael -0.3065
14 38 norsof | mikael 0.4183 m-Agnus -0.4491
15 38 norsof | mikael 0.442 norsof | Patrio -0.433
16 38 m-Agnus 0.3287 norsof | mikael -0.3059
17 38 norsof | mikael 0.4405 norsof | Patrio -0.432
18 38 m-Agnus 0.3282 norsof | mikael -0.3054
19 38 norsof | mikael 0.4152 m-Agnus -0.4462
20 38 norsof | mikael 0.3639 k-nut -0.4681
21 38 m-Agnus 0.3282 norsof | mikael -0.3052
22 38 m-Agnus 0.3271 norsof | mikael -0.3042
23 38 norsof | mikael 0.4373 norsof | Patrio -0.4288
24 38 m-Agnus 0.3267 norsof | mikael -0.3035
25 38 k-nut 0.4529 norsof | mikael -0.353
26 38 norsof | mikael 0.3628 k-nut -0.4652
27 38 norsof | mikael 0.4121 m-Agnus -0.4434
28 38 norsof | mikael 0.3613 k-nut -0.4631
29 38 norsof | mikael 0.433 norsof | Patrio -0.4255
30 38 m-Agnus 0.3264 norsof | mikael -0.303
31 38 m-Agnus 0.3246 norsof | mikael -0.3021
32 38 norsof | mikael 0.4318 norsof | Patrio -0.4248
33 38 k-nut 0.4504 norsof | mikael -0.3514
34 38 norsof | Patrio 0.2744 norsof | mikael -0.2786
35 38 norsof | Patrio 0.2736 norsof | mikael -0.2781
36 38 norsof | mikael 0.4075 m-Agnus -0.4377
37 38 m-Agnus 0.3229 norsof | mikael -0.3007
38 38 norsof | mikael 0.4061 m-Agnus -0.4357
39 38 norsof | Patrio 0.2729 norsof | mikael -0.2774
40 38 k-nut 0.443 norsof | mikael -0.3472
41 38 k-nut 0.4413 norsof | mikael -0.3464
42 38 norsof | mikael 0.4288 norsof | Patrio -0.4202
43 38 m-Agnus 0.3204 norsof | mikael -0.2985
44 38 norsof | mikael 0.4048 m-Agnus -0.4341
45 38 k-nut 0.4379 norsof | mikael -0.3441
46 38 norsof | Patrio 0.2695 norsof | mikael -0.2742
47 38 norsof | mikael 0.358 k-nut -0.4554
48 38 norsof | Patrio 0.268 norsof | mikael -0.2735
49 38 k-nut 0.4337 norsof | mikael -0.3412
50 39 norsof | Patrio 0.2663 norsof | mikael -0.2717
51 39 norsof | Patrio 0.2656 norsof | mikael -0.271
52 39 norsof | mikael 0.4271 norsof | Patrio -0.4177
53 39 m-Agnus 0.3168 norsof | mikael -0.2944
54 39 norsof | mikael 0.426 norsof | Patrio -0.4167
55 39 norsof | Patrio 0.2634 norsof | mikael -0.2698
56 39 norsof | mikael 0.3541 k-nut -0.4498
57 42 m-Agnus 0.3146 norsof | mikael -0.2934
58 42 norsof | mikael 0.4004 m-Agnus -0.4287
59 42 k-nut 0.4316 norsof | mikael -0.3392
60 42 k-nut 0.4301 norsof | mikael -0.3385
61 42 m-Agnus 0.3127 norsof | mikael -0.2918
62 42 norsof | Patrio 0.2605 norsof | mikael -0.267
63 42 norsof | Patrio 0.2592 norsof | mikael -0.266
64 42 norsof | mikael 0.4237 norsof | Patrio -0.4125
65 42 k-nut 0.4267 norsof | mikael -0.3359
66 42 k-nut 0.424 norsof | mikael -0.3343
67 42 k-nut 0.4225 norsof | mikael -0.3332
68 42 k-nut 0.421 norsof | mikael -0.3325
69 42 norsof | mikael 0.3547 k-nut -0.448
70 42 m-Agnus 0.3086 norsof | mikael -0.2879
71 43 m-Agnus 0.3063 norsof | mikael -0.2863
72 43 norsof | mikael 0.3536 k-nut -0.4463
73 43 m-Agnus 0.3058 norsof | mikael -0.2859
74 43 norsof | mikael 0.3524 k-nut -0.4451
75 43 norsof | mikael 0.3958 m-Agnus -0.4233
76 43 k-nut 0.4169 norsof | mikael -0.3299
77 43 norsof | mikael 0.3949 m-Agnus -0.4223
78 43 m-Agnus 0.3042 norsof | mikael -0.2848
79 43 m-Agnus 0.3033 norsof | mikael -0.2843
80 43 norsof | Patrio 0.2529 norsof | mikael -0.2584
81 43 m-Agnus 0.3008 norsof | mikael -0.2829
82 43 m-Agnus 0.2993 norsof | mikael -0.2823
83 43 norsof | mikael 0.4189 norsof | Patrio -0.4091
84 43 m-Agnus 0.2982 norsof | mikael -0.2816
85 43 norsof | mikael 0.3493 k-nut -0.4379
86 43 m-Agnus 0.297 norsof | mikael -0.2808
87 43 k-nut 0.408 norsof | mikael -0.3256
88 43 norsof | mikael 0.3487 k-nut -0.4362
89 43 m-Agnus 0.2956 norsof | mikael -0.2798
90 43 norsof | mikael 0.4158 norsof | Patrio -0.4069
91 43 k-nut 0.4061 norsof | mikael -0.3248
92 43 k-nut 0.4047 norsof | mikael -0.3241
93 43 norsof | Patrio 0.2504 norsof | mikael -0.2556
94 43 norsof | Patrio 0.2492 norsof | mikael -0.2546
95 43 norsof | Patrio 0.2475 norsof | mikael -0.2534
96 43 k-nut 0.4023 norsof | mikael -0.3219
97 43 m-Agnus 0.2908 norsof | mikael -0.2749
98 43 norsof | mikael 0.4156 norsof | Patrio -0.406


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 allies norsof | laka -0.2497 norsof | Pættår 0.0832
2 axis k-nut -0.2622 m-Agnus 0.0874
3 axis k-nut -0.2623 m-Agnus 0.0874
4 allies norsof | mikael -0.2856 norsof | Pættår 0.0952
5 allies norsof | mikael -0.2678 norsof | laka 0.0893
6 allies norsof | Pættår -0.2104 norsof | laka 0.0701

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
53318 norsof | Pættår allies plant 0.3843
53319 norsof | Pættår allies explode 0.5759
53324 norsof | Patrio axis plant -0.4711
53327 norsof | Pættår allies defuse 0.3838
53353 norsof | Pættår allies plant 0.3835
53356 norsof | Patrio axis defuse -0.4715
53378 m-Agnus axis plant -0.4708
53381 norsof | mikael allies defuse 1.1519
53391 m-Agnus axis plant -0.4719
53392 m-Agnus axis explode -0.6125
53405 norsof | mikael allies plant 1.1517
53408 norsof | mikael allies explode 1.3399
53417 m-Agnus axis plant -0.4741
53422 norsof | Pættår allies defuse 0.382
53426 norsof | Pættår allies plant 0.3817
53429 m-Agnus axis defuse -0.4745
53441 m-Agnus axis plant -0.4738
53446 m-Agnus axis explode -0.6149
53509 m-Agnus axis plant -0.4721
53510 m-Agnus axis explode -0.6127

Last game

dont eat and play, that is gay
norsof | Patrio