Elolog for game #1194

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
1066.24 33.377 0 -17.4711 1082.1457

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 28 lumberjack:> 7.6486 norsof | Bjo -0.3268
2 28 norsof | fadiz 0.3627 lumberjack:> -11.3717
3 29 lumberjack:> 7.2919 norsof | Bjo -0.3308
4 30 lumberjack:> 8.8495 norsof | Rabbe -0.4688
5 30 norsof | fadiz 0.3667 lumberjack:> -10.5458
6 31 lumberjack:> 9.8749 norsof | fadiz -0.3531
7 31 norsof | Rabbe 0.6539 lumberjack:> -11.3919
8 34 lumberjack:> 7.9653 norsof | Rabbe -0.4694
9 35 lumberjack:> 7.5463 norsof | Rabbe -0.4561
10 35 norsof | Bjo 0.6663 lumberjack:> -12.3339
11 36 norsof | Rabbe 0.6391 lumberjack:> -10.1484
12 38 lumberjack:> 7.3981 norsof | Rabbe -0.4775
13 38 lumberjack:> 8.3013 norsof | fadiz -0.3503
14 39 lumberjack:> 6.6889 norsof | Rabbe -0.4525
15 39 lumberjack:> 7.5881 norsof | fadiz -0.3351
16 41 lumberjack:> 4.6969 norsof | Bjo -0.2931
17 42 lumberjack:> 7.0104 norsof | fadiz -0.3216
18 44 lumberjack:> 4.292 norsof | Bjo -0.2783
19 44 norsof | Rabbe 0.6773 lumberjack:> -9.1967
20 45 norsof | Rabbe 0.6622 lumberjack:> -8.8237
21 46 lumberjack:> 6.6112 norsof | fadiz -0.3265
22 46 lumberjack:> 5.4257 norsof | Rabbe -0.4241


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
28812 norsof | Bjo axis plant -14.2173
28813 shad. allies defuse 5.31
28814 norsof | Rabbe axis plant -13.9415
28815 norsof | fadiz axis plant -13.5042
28816 lumberjack:> allies defuse 17.1728
28817 norsof | Rabbe axis plant -13.6199
28818 lumberjack:> allies defuse 16.9713
28819 R5 mArTi3 allies plant 5.3398
28820 R5 mArTi3 allies plant 5.2413
28821 R5 mArTi3 allies plant 5.1453
28822 norsof | Bjo axis defuse -14.2141
28823 shad. allies plant 5.3118
28824 norsof | Rabbe axis defuse -13.9385
28825 R5 mArTi3 allies plant 5.4721

Last game

what's with the caps ya.ll
norsof | Patrio