Elolog for game #1171

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
953.73 -4.2262 -0.2667 0.1511 949.3923

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 32 Knut 0.8441 norsof |Messiah -1.1884
2 32 norsof | Patrio 0.5102 Knut -0.5348
3 32 Knut 0.8375 norsof |Messiah -1.1805
4 32 Knut 0.8263 norsof | mikael -0.8779
5 32 norsof |Messiah 0.9223 Knut -0.6536
6 32 norsof | mikael 0.7009 Knut -0.6598
7 32 norsof | Patrio 0.5083 Knut -0.5294
8 32 Knut 0.8185 norsof | mikael -0.8692
9 32 Knut 0.8133 norsof | mikael -0.8635
10 32 norsof |Messiah 0.9036 Knut -0.6448
11 32 Knut 0.8077 norsof | mikael -0.8593
12 32 Knut 0.8223 norsof |Messiah -1.1505
13 32 norsof | mikael 0.7021 Knut -0.6587
14 32 norsof |Messiah 0.8942 Knut -0.6383
15 32 Knut 0.7975 norsof | mikael -0.848
16 32 Knut 0.9315 norsof | Patrio -0.8967
17 32 Knut 0.8396 norsof | rabbe -0.8895
18 32 norsof |Messiah 0.8884 Knut -0.6345
19 32 norsof | mikael 0.7004 Knut -0.6562
20 32 norsof | Patrio 0.4981 Knut -0.5163
21 32 norsof | mikael 0.6947 Knut -0.651
22 32 norsof | rabbe 0.6397 Knut -0.6016
23 32 norsof | Patrio 0.4867 Knut -0.5074
24 32 norsof | rabbe 0.6346 Knut -0.5997
25 32 Knut 0.7821 norsof | mikael -0.8324
26 32 Knut 0.7993 norsof |Messiah -1.1247
27 32 norsof | mikael 0.6863 Knut -0.6436
28 32 Knut 0.774 norsof | mikael -0.8235
29 32 norsof | Patrio 0.4846 Knut -0.504
30 33 Knut 0.7688 norsof | mikael -0.8194
31 33 Knut 0.9054 norsof | Patrio -0.8689
32 33 norsof | rabbe 0.6304 Knut -0.5913
33 33 norsof | Patrio 0.4804 Knut -0.5005
34 33 norsof | mikael 0.6841 Knut -0.6396
35 33 Knut 0.759 norsof | mikael -0.8101
36 33 norsof | rabbe 0.6195 Knut -0.5814
37 33 norsof | Patrio 0.4751 Knut -0.4939
38 33 norsof | rabbe 0.6116 Knut -0.5754
39 33 norsof | mikael 0.6744 Knut -0.6309
40 36 Knut 0.7571 norsof | mikael -0.8076
41 36 norsof | rabbe 0.5994 Knut -0.5675
42 36 norsof | rabbe 0.5958 Knut -0.5642
43 36 norsof | mikael 0.6664 Knut -0.6236
44 36 Knut 0.8932 norsof | Patrio -0.8593
45 36 Knut 0.8091 norsof | rabbe -0.8523
46 36 Knut 0.8863 norsof | Patrio -0.8528
47 36 norsof | mikael 0.6677 Knut -0.6228
48 36 norsof | mikael 0.6635 Knut -0.6202
49 36 norsof | mikael 0.6593 Knut -0.6175
50 36 Knut 0.7431 norsof | mikael -0.7902
51 36 norsof | Patrio 0.4588 Knut -0.4749
52 36 norsof | rabbe 0.5853 Knut -0.5561
53 36 norsof | mikael 0.6481 Knut -0.6121
54 36 norsof | rabbe 0.5779 Knut -0.5514
55 36 norsof |Messiah 0.8266 Knut -0.5833
56 36 Knut 0.7339 norsof | mikael -0.7754
57 36 norsof | Patrio 0.4524 Knut -0.4673
58 36 norsof | mikael 0.6424 Knut -0.607
59 36 norsof | rabbe 0.5702 Knut -0.5443
60 37 Knut 0.7916 norsof | rabbe -0.8277
61 37 norsof | mikael 0.63 Knut -0.5977
62 37 norsof | mikael 0.6206 Knut -0.5911
63 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4473 Knut -0.4594
64 37 norsof | mikael 0.6151 Knut -0.5871
65 37 Knut 0.7342 norsof | mikael -0.7677
66 37 norsof |Messiah 0.795 Knut -0.5598
67 37 norsof | mikael 0.6122 Knut -0.5845
68 37 norsof | mikael 0.6086 Knut -0.5822
69 37 norsof | mikael 0.6024 Knut -0.5774
70 37 norsof |Messiah 0.7846 Knut -0.5527
71 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4363 Knut -0.4488
72 37 Knut 0.7333 norsof | mikael -0.762
73 37 norsof | rabbe 0.5529 Knut -0.5264
74 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4351 Knut -0.4467
75 37 norsof | mikael 0.5886 Knut -0.5666
76 37 Knut 0.7312 norsof | mikael -0.7582
77 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4334 Knut -0.4441
78 37 Knut 0.7512 norsof |Messiah -1.0735
79 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4325 Knut -0.4424
80 37 Knut 0.7461 norsof |Messiah -1.0672
81 37 norsof | mikael 0.5855 Knut -0.5617
82 37 Knut 0.7223 norsof | mikael -0.7514
83 37 norsof |Messiah 0.767 Knut -0.5361
84 37 Knut 0.721 norsof | mikael -0.7486
85 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4305 Knut -0.438
86 37 Knut 0.8361 norsof | Patrio -0.8204
87 37 norsof | mikael 0.5776 Knut -0.5545
88 37 Knut 0.7551 norsof | rabbe -0.7992
89 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4289 Knut -0.4355
90 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4268 Knut -0.4334
91 37 Knut 0.73 norsof |Messiah -1.0458
92 37 norsof | rabbe 0.5377 Knut -0.5075
93 37 norsof | Patrio 0.4234 Knut -0.43
94 37 Knut 0.8248 norsof | Patrio -0.8108
95 37 Knut 0.7471 norsof | rabbe -0.7897
96 38 norsof | Patrio 0.4249 Knut -0.4322
97 38 norsof | mikael 0.573 Knut -0.5477
98 38 Knut 0.7449 norsof | rabbe -0.7871
99 38 Knut 0.8153 norsof | Patrio -0.8
100 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7545 Knut -0.5266
101 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7494 Knut -0.5235
102 38 Knut 0.8083 norsof | Patrio -0.7932
103 38 Knut 0.6916 norsof | mikael -0.7256
104 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7481 Knut -0.5212
105 38 Knut 0.7347 norsof | rabbe -0.7743
106 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7449 Knut -0.5198
107 38 norsof | Patrio 0.4231 Knut -0.429
108 38 Knut 0.7103 norsof |Messiah -1.0166
109 38 norsof | rabbe 0.5236 Knut -0.4944
110 38 Knut 0.7272 norsof | rabbe -0.7687
111 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7375 Knut -0.514
112 38 Knut 0.7904 norsof | Patrio -0.7837
113 38 norsof | mikael 0.5669 Knut -0.5379
114 38 Knut 0.7871 norsof | Patrio -0.7804
115 38 Knut 0.7178 norsof | rabbe -0.7637
116 38 norsof | Patrio 0.4242 Knut -0.4272
117 38 norsof | Patrio 0.4222 Knut -0.4251
118 38 Knut 0.7812 norsof | Patrio -0.7758
119 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7283 Knut -0.5071
120 38 Knut 0.7117 norsof | rabbe -0.7606
121 38 norsof | mikael 0.5595 Knut -0.5304
122 38 Knut 0.777 norsof | Patrio -0.7716
123 38 norsof | mikael 0.5579 Knut -0.5281
124 38 Knut 0.6668 norsof | mikael -0.7044
125 38 norsof | rabbe 0.5222 Knut -0.4872
126 38 Knut 0.771 norsof | Patrio -0.7682
127 38 norsof | rabbe 0.5187 Knut -0.4849
128 38 norsof |Messiah 0.709 Knut -0.4945
129 38 Knut 0.6594 norsof | mikael -0.6998
130 38 norsof | rabbe 0.5119 Knut -0.4788
131 38 norsof |Messiah 0.7039 Knut -0.4909
132 38 norsof | rabbe 0.5014 Knut -0.4715


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 axis norsof | rabbe -0.23 norsof | rabbe 0.0767
2 axis norsof | Patrio -0.2013 norsof | rabbe 0.0671
3 allies norsof | laka -0.1616 Knut 0.0404
4 allies norsof | fadiz -0.1526 Knut 0.0382
5 axis norsof |Messiah -0.2209 norsof | mikael 0.0736
6 allies Knut -0.302 norsof | laka 0.0755
7 axis norsof | Patrio -0.2008 norsof | rabbe 0.0669
8 axis norsof | Patrio -0.1941 norsof |Messiah 0.0647
9 allies Knut -0.3137 norsof | fadiz 0.0784

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
25905 norsof | laka allies plant 0.9373
25908 norsof | Patrio axis defuse -0.5916
25915 norsof |Messiah axis sd_win -0.5904
25925 norsof |Messiah axis plant -0.5892
25928 norsof |Messiah axis explode -0.7644
25965 norsof |Messiah axis plant -0.5864
25968 norsof |Messiah axis explode -0.7608
26045 norsof | laka allies plant 0.9437
26046 Knut allies sd_win 2.825
26068 norsof |Messiah axis plant -0.5913
26073 norsof | fadiz allies defuse 0.9368
26085 norsof | mikael axis plant -0.592
26090 norsof | laka allies defuse 0.9361
26098 norsof |Messiah axis plant -0.5927
26099 norsof |Messiah axis explode -0.769

Last game

we dont care, but I think it is supposed to be mr12
norsof | Patrio