Elolog for game #1112

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
981.49 0.7058 0.2317 3.8749 986.3071

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 2 Knut 0.2878 norsof |Messiah -0.2845
2 2 Knut 0.2962 norsof | laka -0.2391
3 2 norsof |Messiah 0.2306 Knut -0.2331
4 2 Knut 0.2958 norsof | laka -0.2387
5 2 Knut 0.3175 norsof | fadiz -0.2819
6 2 norsof |Messiah 0.2306 Knut -0.2329
7 2 norsof | fadiz 0.1791 Knut -0.2015
8 2 norsof |Messiah 0.2296 Knut -0.2321
9 2 norsof | laka 0.1805 Knut -0.2234
10 2 Knut 0.3166 norsof | fadiz -0.2807
11 2 Knut 0.2852 norsof |Messiah -0.2817
12 2 norsof |Messiah 0.2291 Knut -0.2319
13 2 norsof | laka 0.1798 Knut -0.2228
14 2 norsof | laka 0.1792 Knut -0.2224
15 2 norsof | laka 0.1787 Knut -0.2221
16 2 norsof |Messiah 0.2274 Knut -0.2304
17 2 Knut 0.3151 norsof | fadiz -0.2786
18 2 Knut 0.2843 norsof |Messiah -0.2804
19 3 Knut 0.314 norsof | fadiz -0.2775
20 3 norsof | fadiz 0.1769 Knut -0.2001
21 3 Knut 0.2916 norsof | laka -0.2345
22 3 norsof |Messiah 0.2264 Knut -0.2302
23 3 norsof | fadiz 0.1764 Knut -0.1998
24 6 norsof | fadiz 0.1761 Knut -0.1995
25 6 norsof | laka 0.1777 Knut -0.2215
26 6 norsof | laka 0.1774 Knut -0.2213
27 6 Knut 0.2903 norsof | laka -0.2325
28 6 norsof | fadiz 0.175 Knut -0.1986
29 6 norsof | laka 0.1765 Knut -0.2204
30 6 norsof | fadiz 0.1746 Knut -0.1981
31 6 norsof | fadiz 0.1743 Knut -0.1979
32 6 norsof |Messiah 0.2231 Knut -0.2273
33 6 Knut 0.2818 norsof |Messiah -0.2763
34 6 norsof | laka 0.1758 Knut -0.2196
35 6 Knut 0.3104 norsof | fadiz -0.273
36 6 Knut 0.2884 norsof | laka -0.2311
37 6 norsof |Messiah 0.2228 Knut -0.227
38 6 Knut 0.2877 norsof | laka -0.2305
39 6 Knut 0.2796 norsof |Messiah -0.2741
40 6 norsof | fadiz 0.1742 Knut -0.1976
41 6 Knut 0.2867 norsof | laka -0.2297
42 6 Knut 0.3079 norsof | fadiz -0.2709
43 6 Knut 0.2781 norsof |Messiah -0.2725
44 6 norsof | fadiz 0.1743 Knut -0.1979
45 7 norsof | fadiz 0.174 Knut -0.1977
46 7 norsof |Messiah 0.2219 Knut -0.2265
47 7 Knut 0.2777 norsof |Messiah -0.2716
48 7 Knut 0.2841 norsof | laka -0.2274
49 7 norsof | laka 0.1757 Knut -0.2195
50 7 Knut 0.2767 norsof |Messiah -0.2706
51 7 Knut 0.3054 norsof | fadiz -0.2687


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 axis norsof | Patrio -0.1765 Knut 0.0588
2 axis Rabbe -0.2075 Knut 0.0692
3 allies norsof | fadiz -0.2095 norsof | laka 0.0524
4 allies norsof | laka -0.2506 norsof | fadiz 0.0626
5 allies norsof | fadiz -0.2095 norsof | laka 0.0524
6 allies norsof |Messiah -0.2572 norsof | fadiz 0.0643
7 axis Rabbe -0.2074 Knut 0.0691

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
18102 norsof | mikael axis plant 0.2158
18105 norsof | fadiz allies defuse -0.4287
18123 Knut axis plant 0.6478
18126 norsof |Messiah allies defuse -0.429
18134 Knut axis plant 0.6474
18141 Knut axis explode 0.7542
18168 norsof | Patrio axis plant 0.2151
18173 norsof | Patrio axis explode 0.3224
18230 norsof | Patrio axis plant 0.2148
18233 norsof | Patrio axis explode 0.322
18244 Knut axis plant 0.6435
18249 Knut axis explode 0.7496

Last game

u can go we have no probs with it
norsof | Patrio