Elolog for game #1022

Starting Elo Elo from kills Elo from teamkills Elo from actions New Elo
1047.22 -1.2996 0 -1.7709 1044.1514

Kills & deaths

# Leg Killer Gain Corpse Loss
1 2 norsof | laka 0.2938 norsof | mikael -0.4576
2 2 norsof | laka 0.3806 norsof | fadiz -0.4735
3 2 Knut 0.5173 norsof | laka -0.4293
4 2 norsof | laka 0.3272 Knut -0.3941
5 2 Knut 0.5157 norsof | laka -0.4281
6 2 norsof | laka 0.3267 Knut -0.3934
7 2 norsof | laka 0.2923 norsof | mikael -0.456
8 2 norsof | fadiz 0.4648 norsof | laka -0.3737
9 2 Knut 0.5113 norsof | laka -0.4249
10 2 norsof | laka 0.3273 Knut -0.3932
11 2 norsof | fadiz 0.4616 norsof | laka -0.3715
12 2 norsof | laka 0.3779 norsof | fadiz -0.4688
13 2 Knut 0.5058 norsof | laka -0.4218
14 2 norsof | mikael 0.7112 norsof | laka -0.4562
15 2 norsof | laka 0.3269 Knut -0.3914
16 2 norsof | mikael 0.7085 norsof | laka -0.455
17 2 norsof | fadiz 0.4569 norsof | laka -0.3683
18 2 Knut 0.5011 norsof | laka -0.4183
19 2 norsof | laka 0.2917 norsof | mikael -0.4534
20 2 norsof | laka 0.3762 norsof | fadiz -0.4663
21 2 Knut 0.5 norsof | laka -0.4171
22 2 norsof | laka 0.2907 norsof | mikael -0.4517
23 2 norsof | laka 0.3747 norsof | fadiz -0.4647
24 2 norsof | laka 0.2889 norsof | mikael -0.4493
25 2 norsof | laka 0.3227 Knut -0.3874
26 2 Knut 0.4996 norsof | laka -0.4162
27 2 Knut 0.4965 norsof | laka -0.4143
28 2 norsof | laka 0.372 norsof | fadiz -0.4608
29 2 norsof | laka 0.3222 Knut -0.386
30 2 norsof | fadiz 0.4508 norsof | laka -0.3642
31 2 norsof | mikael 0.6988 norsof | laka -0.4489
32 2 norsof | laka 0.3715 norsof | fadiz -0.4597
33 2 Knut 0.4937 norsof | laka -0.4114
34 2 norsof | fadiz 0.4473 norsof | laka -0.3613
35 2 norsof | laka 0.2861 norsof | mikael -0.4443
36 2 norsof | fadiz 0.4449 norsof | laka -0.3595
37 5 norsof | mikael 0.6882 norsof | laka -0.4435
38 5 norsof | fadiz 0.4406 norsof | laka -0.3576
39 5 norsof | laka 0.2868 norsof | mikael -0.4437
40 5 norsof | laka 0.2857 norsof | mikael -0.4419
41 5 norsof | laka 0.3196 Knut -0.3838


# Team Killer Loss Corpse Gain
1 axis norsof | Patrio -0.2305 norsof | laka 0.0768

Bomb actions

Action ID Hero Team Action Points +/-
8217 norsof | mikael allies plant -0.672
8220 norsof |Messiah axis defuse 0.3231
8242 norsof | Patrio axis plant 0.3228
8249 norsof | mikael allies defuse -0.6719
8265 norsof | mikael allies plant -0.6708
8268 norsof | mikael allies explode -0.8705
8278 norsof | Patrio axis plant 0.3248
8283 Knut allies defuse -0.6687
8289 norsof | Patrio axis plant 0.3251
8290 norsof | Patrio axis explode 0.4872

Last game

you guys must be the most dire players we have ever seen
norsof | Patrio